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Nail...meet head! Spot on observation on the friction issue. The BIG BIG BIG problem is the 90%+ of the market are just NOT tech savvy (and they simply cannot afford "big boy" type TMS systems, anyway).

That's why lot's of smart shippers, brokers, and 3PL's are giving away TMS tech to this audience to get them INTO their own digital freight networks. It benefits the giver (the shipper or broker) AND it benefits the receiver of the free TMS software.

AscendTMS has brokers, 3PL's, shippers - and now FACTORS (after the TriumphPay / Hubtran merger) giving away AscendTMS to their vendors. Why? To get those vendors digital and to be pre-configured to do business digitally with them going forward.

You are right that NOBODY wants to use these hyped "collaboration" type TMS systems where everyone shares it. None of those systems are gaining traction because people need a TMS system that can work independently and in ANY situation (not just with one or two specific customers / vendors).

What people WANT (and they tell us this) is simple plug and play connectivity (like a USB port lol) between each other...along with the power to DISCONNECT from each other when they need or want to.

That's why AscendTMS is working with literally hundreds of partners today that give away AscendTMS to literally anyone to enable digital commerce between each party.

IT'S WORKING LIKE A CHARM!!!! The market hunger is clear - and our growth has never been higher.

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